
Prompt #4

I watched the documentary Fed Up that was written and produced by Stephanie Soechtig and narrated by Katie Couric. It surprises me and makes me realize how the food industry corrupt is. The documentary Fed Up talks about the growth of American obesity rises a lot, which causes generations of children have grown up far fatter than their parents and these children face impaired health and shorter lifespans. The documentary also shows many details and sources about the reason why the obesity epidemic happens in America. I think the intended audiences are Americans especially the parents of those children and their children. Stephanie Soechtig wants to make Americans especially the parents and the children to aware of why the obesity epidemic happens and appeals them to take action to solve the issue.
The documentary use logos, ethos and pathos. The strategies mostly were successful. For example, logos is a good way to get Stephanie Soechtig closer to audience, bring up his main idea and prove it. For instance, the food industry advertising children in a misleading way. Such as McDonalds improves their food by using toys which attract more children to buy the food. The food industry uses different ways to mislead people and create more economic profits. Although money is very important, the food industry should be responsible for people’s health.

