
Prompt #4

I watched the documentary Fed Up that was written and produced by Stephanie Soechtig and narrated by Katie Couric. It surprises me and makes me realize how the food industry corrupt is. The documentary Fed Up talks about the growth of American obesity rises a lot, which causes generations of children have grown up far fatter than their parents and these children face impaired health and shorter lifespans. The documentary also shows many details and sources about the reason why the obesity epidemic happens in America. I think the intended audiences are Americans especially the parents of those children and their children. Stephanie Soechtig wants to make Americans especially the parents and the children to aware of why the obesity epidemic happens and appeals them to take action to solve the issue.
The documentary use logos, ethos and pathos. The strategies mostly were successful. For example, logos is a good way to get Stephanie Soechtig closer to audience, bring up his main idea and prove it. For instance, the food industry advertising children in a misleading way. Such as McDonalds improves their food by using toys which attract more children to buy the food. The food industry uses different ways to mislead people and create more economic profits. Although money is very important, the food industry should be responsible for people’s health.


The picky eater

            I started following the blog which is " The picky eater ". The blog makes me have a new definition of " picky eaters ". When I looking at the word " picky eaters ", I aways think of the children who are very selective about what they eat and reject many foods. But after I followed the blog, I completely change my view of " The picky eater ". " The picky eater " in the blog is the person who is trying to make and eat healthier food, and enjoys a happier life. Moreover, I really like the writer's positive attitude to food and life. She is eating her way to a healthier life. She is trying to make healthy, delicious food. The most important is that it is easy to follow how to cook PickyEater meals and do not take long to prepare. She post lots of great recipes which includes many details about how to cook. I also like the food pictures which makes me want to eat. The blog is not only about food, the writer also shows her own experience. She traveled many countries, learned how to cook and created her own recipes.


Live to eat

         There is no doubt that people eat to live. Once we stop eating, we will die. So It is necessary to eat for surviving. However, in my opinion, It is more important for us to live to eat than eating to live. Because nowadays, most people have enough time and money for eating. We do not need to worry we do not have enough food to eat. In this case, Eating is not only to survive but also eating is to satisfy ourselves. Moreover, we have many choices to decide what we eat. For instance, we can choose healthy food, the food that we like a lot or the food we never eat before. 

        We live to eat. That also means eating is an necessary part of our lives. I often watch the food TV show. The TV show records some people travel around the world to eat different kinds of delicious foods. I love the TV show a lot because that is also my dream to look for different kinds of food and eat them. Though I can not travel around the world to try delicious food, I often go to different restaurant to eat different foods and if I am traveling, I will look for different kinds of local foods and try them.

       All in all, It is more important for us to live to eat rather than eating to live.  



My favorite food is dumplings. Eating dumplings always makes me have a homely feeling. Especially, the dumplings which my mother cooks, are very delicious. It is also a lot of fun to make dumplings but not easy. Usually all family members will join the work. I enjoyed a lot when all families got together, made dumplings and ate dumplings. On the other side, The dumpling is one of the most important foods in Chinese new year. During the new year’s Eve, my families will get together to make dumplings. Then they will do an interesting thing that is they will hide a coin in one of the dumplings. The person who find the coin, means having a good fortune in the new year. Dumplings bring me lots of good and funny memories since I was young. That is possibly why I love dumplings a lot.