

When I was 13 years old and my sister was 1 year old, I need to take care of my sister if my mom and dad were not at home. I remember one day, there were just my sister and me at home. Because my sister always stays with mom and if mom is not with her, she might cry and try to find mom. In order to avoid her crying, I try my best to played with her, watched her favorite TV show and made her favorite food for her. My sister very likes playing toy bricks so we played it together. There was one stone in the toy bricks box. My sister throw the stone at me unintentionally. It hurt my lip a lot and my lip was bleeding. I was very sad and was crying. But my sister was surprised and she didn’t know what what did she do wrong. I realized my sister was so young and she was not meant to do that. If I was very mad at her and told her how painful I felt, she won’t understand. So I had to calm down and after that I still played with her.  


Prompt 12

In my LinkedIn profile, I want to show my academic accomplishments, experience and my character. Through my LinkedIn profile, It can make more people know me and future employers can find me and communicate with me. Moreover, It also shows my interests and other skills except professional abilities. More people who have same interests, can communicate with me, make friends with me and share our common interests.    


Prompt #11

As fast food is becoming more and more popular in America, it has affected people in positive and negative ways. On the positive side, it is very convenient and saves a lot time to eat fast food than cooking at home. Moreover, the main reason is fast food is delicious, cheap and easy. Not only the service is fast, but the preparation of food is also fast. On the other side, the fast food causing great public health concern, especially childrenhood obesity. According to the national health and nutrition examination survey, it finds “ In 2011–2012, 34.3% of all children and adolescents aged 2–19 consumed fast food on a given day. Almost 12% (11.6%) of children and adolescents obtained fewer than 25% of their daily calories from fast food, 10.7% obtained 25%–40% of their daily calories from fast food, and 12.1% obtained more than 40% of their daily calories from fast food ” (Vikraman). Lots of children eat fast food and consume lots of daily calories from fast food. That is one of most important reasons, which causes childrenhood obesity.


Prompt #10

Prompt #9

I began to find some sources about my topic which is fast food and obesity by using google scholar. Firstly, I wanted to find the facts of childhood obesity, then I just googling it and find a good article which is “ Incidence of Childhood Obesity in the United States ”. Moreover, I also wanted to find some books about my topic so I found some online books by searching in truman library.   

Cunningham, Solveig A., Michael R. Kramer, and KM Venkat Narayan. "Incidence of childhood obesity in the United States." New England Journal of Medicine 370.5 (2014): 403-411.

The article shows childhood obesity facts. It reports the the incidence of obesity and the data is from a large, nationally representative longitudinal study of children who were 5 to 14 years old.

Glickman, Dan, and Institute of Medicine (U.S.). Committee on Accelerating Progress in Obesity Prevention. Accelerating Progress in Obesity Prevention: Solving the Weight of the Nation. Washington, D.C: National Academies Press, 2012;2011;. Web.
The book tells obesity is a major health problem in the United States and we need to work together to solve the problem.

Cartere, Jason Y. TV, Food Marketing And Childhood Obesity. New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc, 2009. eBook Collection (EBSCOhost). Web. 24 Feb. 2016.

The book tells the television advertising increases the rise of childhood obesity rates and expose the effect of advertising to children by using a comprehensive analysis.


Prompt #8

My topic is about fast food and obesity. Fast food is one hot topic nowadays. Although fast food is very convenient and relatively cheap, It brings lots of bad effect on people’s health. Eating too much fast food will cause many diseases, especially obesity. Obesity is a big problem for Americans. I am going to focus on the childhood obesity. I am going to talk about why and how the fast food cause childhood obesity. I also have one point is fast food restaurant said they are healthy but they are not actually.    


Prompt #7

After completing SurveyMonkey survey and discussing about the survey in the class, I learned something about survey. First, It is very easy and helpful to use SurveyMonkey to create a survey. Second It is very important to create good survey questions. The questions should be specific. For example, the first time we finished creating our group questions, we gave the survey to other group and they answered all questions. One question like “What is your favorite type of food ”, That group’s answer is delicious food. But that is not the answer we expected because we want to know their favorite type of food just like Chinese, Mexican or Indian food. Therefore, when we create the survey questions, the questions should be more specific and we should give more detailed information. Moreover, we need to over all possible answers. For instance, a question like “ How many meals do you usually have at the end of the week?”, we need to consider the people who don’t have a weekly meal plan.
In addition, the survey shows most classmate prefer to eat sweet food in the evening. I don’t think It is good for our health. Because Eating a little bit sweet food is fine and good for your sleep. But If you eat a huge slice of cake or other sweet food, It will increase your blood-sugar level and disrupt your sleep. So I think most classmates should change the time of eating sweet food.