
Prompt #8

My topic is about fast food and obesity. Fast food is one hot topic nowadays. Although fast food is very convenient and relatively cheap, It brings lots of bad effect on people’s health. Eating too much fast food will cause many diseases, especially obesity. Obesity is a big problem for Americans. I am going to focus on the childhood obesity. I am going to talk about why and how the fast food cause childhood obesity. I also have one point is fast food restaurant said they are healthy but they are not actually.    

2 条评论:

  1. I think you have a good topic, and also you can give stats on how fast food is not healthy. I'm also doing obesity, and some of these points are what I'm going to talk about.

  2. I one more thing I think you'd love to put in your research paper is that the number of hunger children in African or #rd world country is increasing day by day. The distribution of food can be explained in this situation.
