
Prompt #7

After completing SurveyMonkey survey and discussing about the survey in the class, I learned something about survey. First, It is very easy and helpful to use SurveyMonkey to create a survey. Second It is very important to create good survey questions. The questions should be specific. For example, the first time we finished creating our group questions, we gave the survey to other group and they answered all questions. One question like “What is your favorite type of food ”, That group’s answer is delicious food. But that is not the answer we expected because we want to know their favorite type of food just like Chinese, Mexican or Indian food. Therefore, when we create the survey questions, the questions should be more specific and we should give more detailed information. Moreover, we need to over all possible answers. For instance, a question like “ How many meals do you usually have at the end of the week?”, we need to consider the people who don’t have a weekly meal plan.
In addition, the survey shows most classmate prefer to eat sweet food in the evening. I don’t think It is good for our health. Because Eating a little bit sweet food is fine and good for your sleep. But If you eat a huge slice of cake or other sweet food, It will increase your blood-sugar level and disrupt your sleep. So I think most classmates should change the time of eating sweet food.  

1 条评论:

  1. I still remember our first question in the survey and yes who doesn't like tasty food? LOL From this I learnt that we should always be specific and careful in asking survey question to prevent vague understanding and confusion.
