
Prompt #11

As fast food is becoming more and more popular in America, it has affected people in positive and negative ways. On the positive side, it is very convenient and saves a lot time to eat fast food than cooking at home. Moreover, the main reason is fast food is delicious, cheap and easy. Not only the service is fast, but the preparation of food is also fast. On the other side, the fast food causing great public health concern, especially childrenhood obesity. According to the national health and nutrition examination survey, it finds “ In 2011–2012, 34.3% of all children and adolescents aged 2–19 consumed fast food on a given day. Almost 12% (11.6%) of children and adolescents obtained fewer than 25% of their daily calories from fast food, 10.7% obtained 25%–40% of their daily calories from fast food, and 12.1% obtained more than 40% of their daily calories from fast food ” (Vikraman). Lots of children eat fast food and consume lots of daily calories from fast food. That is one of most important reasons, which causes childrenhood obesity.

1 条评论:

  1. Very good and interesting topic. HOwever if you can put more scientific and statistic evidence it should be great!
